A founding member of Conroy Baran, Kyle has represented clients in a variety of business settings, often serving as special outside counsel to companies. His work as a transactional and corporate attorney has led to him advising clients in commercial and corporate transactions in a range of industries, including the information technology, agriculture, and medical sectors. Working with both in-house and outside counsel helps Kyle provide services in an efficient and knowledgeable manner.
He has completed joint ventures, acquisition, and complex technology licensing and distribution arrangements with large hospital networks, private equity funds, and fortune 500 companies, and has established a number of physician practices and medical space arrangements, including the purchase, sale, and leasing of ambulatory clinical and surgical centers. He also has experience in matters of corporate governance and due diligence investigations related to corporate operations, compliance, and mergers and acquisition.
Kyle focuses his practice on software and technology, with an emphasis on healthcare information technology (HIT), healthcare providers and vendors, agribusiness, with an emphasis on grain production and merchandising, mergers and acquisition, capital markets, and new ventures.
Author, Agribusiness: Understanding Grain Marketing Alternatives, Practical Law Finance, Practical Law Company, May, 2014
Research Assistant, Recent Developments in Federal Taxation of Partnerships and Partners, Prof. Anthony J. Luppino, University of
Missouri – Kansas City, School of Law, 2013
Current and Past Professional Affiliations
University of Missouri – Kansas City, School of Law – Adjunct Instructor
American Bar Association
Kansas Bar Association
Missouri Bar Association
LawMeets Student Advisory Board – Alumni Chair
Kansas City Volunteer Lawyers & Accountants for the Arts
American Agricultural Law Association
Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City
Transactional Lawyering Meet Regional Winner and “Best Draft” Award
Marvin & Patricia Rich 2013 Corporate Law Prize
Business and Entrepreneurial Law Emphasis, University of Missouri – Kansas City, School of Law
Dean’s List, University of Missouri – Kansas City, School of Law
Missouri Southern State University (BA)
University of Missouri – Kansas City, School of Law (JD)
Bar Admissions